Tomes of Magick: Guide to the Traditions

Guide to the Traditions lifts the curtain on the thousand ways the Traditions work with and against each other. Adam and Terry talk high-ritual shamans, hidden Cathars, Asthika technomancers, and stranger magicks in this broad look at the 21st century Council.

Show Notes

Sub Traditions – Chapter 2

Sub Traditions are groups that have a new paradigm or a new spin on an old one. They are new groups with little influence. Given time, they could grow & refine their ideas until they become a full, separate mage faction or… your players might show up at their headquarters & bring down the whole show.

The Order of Sophia – Celestial Chorister Alexandra Martin used Dreamspeaker Spirit techniques & made contact with a spirit of divine knowledge. She holds public events to make her discoveries available to mages & Sleepers. The Order is growing in popularity & may soon attract unwanted attention.

The Fellowship of Dee – A Hermetic & Dreamspeaker have joined to recreate the 17th century partnership of John Dee & Edward Kelly on a larger scale. Partnerships are encouraged between one Hermetic & one Dreamspeaker. The Fellowship has little support or understanding from the 2 established Traditions. They summon powerful spirits that may be their undoing.

The Spirit Alliance – A cooperation between Akashic, Dreamspeaker & Verbena mages that is establishing communities in isolated wild areas where new paradigms can be established. They have long term plans & ignore accusations of hiding from the world. The colonies seem to be attracting unstable Sleepers.

Techno-Shamans – A modern take on animism, high tech objects house more complex & powerful spirits. Objects created by humans hold spirits that are easier to relate to than things in nature. Techno-shamans thrive in urban settings. They seek to awaken the spirits of manmade things & ally with them. Some are forging acquaintances with werewolves. Some say the techno-shamans have a hard time understanding how harmful some urban spirits are.

Unity of Thought – Cultists of Ecstasy & Sons of Ether working together to experiment with drugs & other techniques to expand consciousness & learn about Avatars. They currently focus on increasing intelligence. The Cult of Ecstasy is watching them closely to determine if they need to intervene.

House Thig – A newer House of the Order of Hermes. These mages pursue hermetic magic but use modern foci & symbols. Although they use computers & other modern tools, they are more of a cover for hermetic magic that reduces Paradox & the notice of Sleepers. When Tradition technomages gather, House Thig would like to be involved but is usually excluded as they are seen as not true techno magicians. Although recruiting many young members, their position within the Order of Hermes is unstable.

The Linguists – A group of Hermetics & Virtual Adepts working together to employ ancient, esoteric & computer languages along with advanced mathematics to either create or discover the ultimate magical language. They have created unique programming languages as well as gained insight into previously indecipherable ancient languages but their attempts to break Technocracy code languages may bring danger to their door.

The Lhaksmists – A faction within the Euthanatos that makes use of modern technology. These Euthanatoi focus on the probability side of Entropy rather than decay & favor subtle uses of magic. Their results are evoking interest & concern from the other Traditions. The Lhaksmists’ ability to use medical tools to more safely create a near death experience have gained them much popularity in the Euthanatos now that visiting the Low Umbra is impossible. The extreme confidence of this group may soon get them into trouble.

The Disciples of the One Point – Pantheist astronomers of the Celestial Chorus who have gathered at Mt. Wilson Observatory near Los Angeles. Using Correspondence & Time through powerful telescopes they want to contact the universal god which they believe is easier to communicate with at the beginning & end of the universe. They plan to build a permanent location on the dark side of the Moon & try to increase public support for space exploration. A small group lacking influence who may soon upset the Void Engineers.

The Order of St. Albertus – Members of this group are Hermetics & Choristers who found common cause & evidence of past cooperation. Started 2 years ago in Mexico City, it is expanding. Inspired by the knightly orders of the past, they take up arms to aid Sleepers in need.

Factions – Chapter 3

Pallottino family of the Euthanatos. A wealthy family in Europe descended from ancient Etruscans of the Italian Peninsula. They contribute members to other Euthanatos factions.

Chthonioi – (earth gods) A sect within the Verbena who keep alive the ways of the ancient Greek spirits & gods. Among them is the Circle of Hecate , an all female group from ancient Sparta who pursue wealth & influence among Sleepers.

Righteous Ghazi of the Celestial Chorus. A muslim group that used to be warriors but not so much anymore.

The Sheikha of the Dreamspeakers. Mostly female group of shamans among the Bedouins of the Saudi Arabian Peninsula.

Mokteshaf al Nour (Collectors of Light). An Islamic group of mages that originally had 5 sects within it. They were one of the founding members of the Web of Faith. They later became more secular & split. Most joined the Technocracy while some held on to their faith. Rumors disagree about where this smaller group is today.

The Palatines . A diverse bunch of warriors, priests & mystics that formed in Middle Ages. They wandered Western Europe battling vampires, monsters & other evil beings. They still exist today as a secret order. Many members are Celestial Choristers but other Traditions are also members. They recognize each other by displaying a symbol of a hammer on their person.

Spae-crafters – Norse mage group in the Verbena.

Yggrasil’s Keepers – This other norse mage group is the spiritual heir to the Norns in the Euthanatos. They work to push others towards their destinies.

We learn the Hagalaz of the Cult of Ecstasy is divided into traditional Norse mages & trouble-making thugs.

Vishnudharadhara – Vishnu’s sword. Hindu priests & warriors formed during the Gupta Empire around the 4th century. Currently a part of the Celestial Chorus.

The Asthika – A coalition of Vishnudharadhara, Indian Ecstatics, Chakravanti of the Euthanatos &, today, Virtual Adepts & Sons of Ether of India. Originally created to stand against the spread of the Web of Faith & its Islamic supporters, it later stood against European & Technocratic influence. It is connected with Indian nationalism.

Studiosi – the Zealous Ones. A small group of Cathar gnostics in the Cult of Ecstasy.

Marcheurs – Walkers are a small group of Cathar gnostics who joined the Li Hai sect of the Akashic Brotherhood. They live in southern France.

Sons of Inta – A group within the Celestial Chorus that descends from the Incan priesthood. They mostly operate out of Peru.

Los sangrados descend from Mayan priests & are a part of the Cult of Ecstasy. They use bloodletting & ecstatic dances in their magic.

The Yum Cimil serve the Mayan god of death & allied with the Euthanatos at the Grand Convocation. After that contact was lost but there are rumors they still prowl the night in Central America.

Ta Kiti began as an offshoot of Madzimbabwe of the Euthanatos. They serve the Voudoun Loa of death & fertility.

Confrerie de Chango are a militant Voudoun group in the Cult of Ecstasy known for their Forces effects.

The Roda do Jogo are Brazilian martial artists in the Cult of Ecstasy.

Society of St. Anthony are members of the Santeria religion & belong to the Celestial Chorus. They primary operate in the Caribbean region.

The Cyber Houngans are Virtual Adepts active in the Digital Web who serve the Electric Loas.

Order of the Black Willow is a Romantic group in the Euthanatos that has been declared barrabi.

The Sons of Menelik are an Ethiopian Orthodox group within the Celestial Chorus. They trace their origins back to Biblical times & are rumored to possess the Arc of the Covenant.

The Golden Shield is a militant Zulu sect known for martial magic & their powerful iKlwa spears.

Izinyanga are Zulu mages of the Verbena that use animal- & plant-based medicines to work their magic.

First solid information on the Ngoma . Beginning in the city of Great Zimbabwe, they later appeared in the Swahili city states & the Mali Empire. In past days they were wizard-priests & royal advisors. They practice high ritual magic. Today, they recruit from the most educated groups of African people. They have become House Ngoma inside House ex Miscellanea in the Order of Hermes.

The Bogatyri is an alliance of mages in Russia that formed around 1991 to stand against the influence of an evil being claiming to be Baba Yaga. In this alliance are the Vedun , a group of traditional folk magic practitioners of the Verbena who have lived among the Eastern Slavs for centuries. The kozbar are Ukrainian Verbena traveling minstrels. The Starovery (Old Believers) is the largest group of Choristers in Russia & provide leadership for the Tradition in that nation. Formed in the 17th century, they survived much persecution. The Order of the Firebird are martial Choristers with roots in druzhina knights of Kievian Rus. The Kenotics are Choristers that are more of a collection of like minded mystics. Vegetarians & pacifists whose faith protects them from harm. The Ecstatics are Russian Orthodox monks in the west & shamans of Siberian tribes in the east. Those are the mages of the Bogatyri.

The Children’s Crusade is a growing group of Tradition mages dedicated to stopping child abuse around the world. The Cult of Ecstasy make up the majority of the group.

Project Stormwarden employs Council mages to deal with the Avatar Storm. Some work on reestablishing communications, some study the storm & others help victims.

Cross-Tradition Factions – Chapter 5

Cross-Tradition Factions are groups with members from more than one Tradition that mix their beliefs or styles to focus on a goal.

Clan Impossible – A group of acquaintances who enjoyed the club scene & game their mentors a hard time became a dedicated group after the Avatar Storm separated them from their mentors & a Technocracy attack killed some of their friends. They began cross-training, recruiting & making strikes at the Technocracy. Cabals are 4 full members with all additional members being students.

Neo-Tradition Reformation Front – A group that believes the Council of 9’s main failure is their inflexible definition. They openly support cross-Tradition training. Member choose 2 Tradition names, put them together & state that as their group. Their long term goals are to completely break down the 9 Tradition structure in favor of something more open & flexible. They currently obey all Council rules but in the future, who knows?

Geographic Liberation Movement – A group that has no open member but is distributing flyers that claim mages should group according to regions on the map instead of the current Traditions. They make bold claims that this will strengthen the Council but have not been able to provide much proof.

Charleston Private Academy – After the Avatar Storm a master of the Traditions was separated from his 5 students. Other Tradition mages resumed the students’ education & expanded to 13. The school recruits Hollow Ones, Disparates & newly Awakened students. Disciples of the Traditions can also study there if they agree to help the school. Rather than training the students for specific Traditions the lessons are tailored to the students’ individual talents. New paradigms are even allowed to develop. Yes, this is a not-so-subtle reference to Charles Xavier & Magneto in Marvel Comics’ X-Men comic books.

Matthias Brotherhood – A group of mages formed a compound where modern conveniences are absent. They train students as well as each other in magic that turns away from modern technology.

Slayer Proposal – Several young mages from House Tytalus in the Order of Hermes started this group to direct warrior mages against vampires & other monsters that threaten humanity. Members sometimes disagree about which monsters are the greatest threats which can lead to alliances with non-mages that can upset other Slayers.

Iar’I Magica – A group of technology-savvy mages who talk on a server on the mundane Internet. A small group with members from many Traditions as well as Disparates & Hollow Ones. So far Technocracy intrusion has not been a problem. Over time this group developed a number of strong friendships. They use normal, Sleeper technology as they believe anything more advanced would bring trouble.

Voudoun – Followers of Voudoun & similar faiths who wish to be recognized as a new Tradition.

United Traditions Organization – Supporters of the cross-Tradition ambassador program mentioned in Horizon: Stronghold of Hope have created this group to dedicated to inter-Tradition diplomacy & cooperation. This group works so hard to retain peace between Traditions that some wonder if they may someday use force.

Sim Ascension – A young Virtual Adept created a software simulation of a single willworker’s decisions on the path to enlightenment. Other Virtual Adepts along with members from 3 other Traditions joined the project which has become quite sophisticated. It is rumored 20 years of decisions can be modeled in a matter of hours. Will this project prove to be a turning point for the Traditions or an elaborate trap by their enemies?

Executive Producers

Alexia • Aleksandra J • Alexander G • Alexander P • Ambiversion • Andrew E • Anders S • Andrew • Andrew E • Andrija J • Anon Ibid • Bdurfy • Benjamin B • Berto • Blaise H • Blake R • Bo • BoogersBoogersBoogersBoogersBoogersBoogers • Brad M • Brandon • Bryce Perry • Bubba, The Pale One • Buck Farmer • Chris B • Chris Z • Christopher P • Cinshadis • Connor G • Curtis H • Dan Svensson • Daniel C • Daniel S • Darren H • David M • David R • DrawnCap • Dennis O • Derek S • Eli l • Entropy_Prime • Eric S • Fragarach • Freddy • FriedrichOwl • Gabriel P • Garga L • George L • Gray -Trilug- H • Guy Conan S • GuyWithPuns • Henry Craft • HugoTheBogPerson • I Jaye S • Ian • Illara S • Ira Grace • Isabel CL • J Gatsby • Jason B • Jason D • Jason K • Jason V • Jason Vines • Jeffois • Jenna F • Jervis Johnson • jj225000 • John • John Hillerup • jj225000 • John Magnuson • John W • Jolyne A • Joshua Hillerup • Justin • Karl H • Kathleen H • Kevin F • Khris K • Larrendias D • Leroy B • Leslie W • Lexiconjurer • Lolzandstuff • Manel C • Maurice H • Matthew P • Melissa K • Michael C • Michael Parker • Mikael S • Morgan A • Nathan W • Nebero • Neil P • Nikita K • Oliver S • Patrick M • Patrick Mc • Paxcow • Pooka G • Rachel G • Ralf S • Regina O • Ren M • Ricardo • Richard “Bat” Brewster • Rob D • Rob H • Ruben J • Ryan H • Ryan K • Ryan S • Samuel T • sbloyd • Schnabeltierkrieger • Sean G • Sev Nessus • Simon S • SorcererSanguine • Sean Ryan K • St U • starfish • Stefan C • Steve Winyard • thatsrealneeto • Tyler • Tyler B • Vince H • Vincent • Walter • Warmstarter • William M • Wolf L • ZakRulz

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Sub Traditions – Chapter 2

Sub Traditions are groups that have a new paradigm or a new spin on an old one.  They are new groups with little influence.  Given time, they could grow & refine their ideas until they become a full, separate mage faction or… your players might show up at their headquarters & bring down the whole show.

The Order of Sophia – Celestial Chorister Alexandra Martin used Dreamspeaker Spirit techniques & made contact with a spirit of divine knowledge.  She holds public events to make her discoveries available to mages & Sleepers.  The Order is growing in popularity & may soon attract unwanted attention.

The Fellowship of Dee – A Hermetic & Dreamspeaker have joined to recreate the 17th century partnership of John Dee & Edward Kelly on a larger scale.  Partnerships are encouraged between one Hermetic & one Dreamspeaker.  The Fellowship has little support or understanding from the 2 established Traditions.  They summon powerful spirits that may be their undoing.

The Spirit Alliance – A cooperation between Akashic, Dreamspeaker & Verbena mages that is establishing communities in isolated wild areas where new paradigms can be established.  They have long term plans & ignore accusations of hiding from the world.  The colonies seem to be attracting unstable Sleepers.

Techno-Shamans – A modern take on animism, high tech objects house more complex & powerful spirits.  Objects created by humans hold spirits that are easier to relate to than things in nature.  Techno-shamans thrive in urban settings.  They seek to awaken the spirits of manmade things & ally with them.  Some are forging acquaintances with werewolves.  Some say the techno-shamans have a hard time understanding how harmful some urban spirits are.

Unity of Thought – Cultists of Ecstasy & Sons of Ether working together to experiment with drugs & other techniques to expand consciousness & learn about Avatars.  They currently focus on increasing intelligence.  The Cult of Ecstasy is watching them closely to determine if they need to intervene.

House Thig – A newer House of the Order of Hermes.  These mages pursue hermetic magic but use modern foci & symbols.  Although they use computers & other modern tools, they are more of a cover for hermetic magic that reduces Paradox & the notice of Sleepers.  When Tradition technomages gather, House Thig would like to be involved but is usually excluded as they are seen as not true techno magicians.  Although recruiting many young members, their position within the Order of Hermes is unstable.

The Linguists – A group of Hermetics & Virtual Adepts working together to employ ancient, esoteric & computer languages along with advanced mathematics to either create or discover the ultimate magical language.  They have created unique programming languages as well as gained insight into previously indecipherable ancient languages but their attempts to break Technocracy code languages may bring danger to their door.

The Lhaksmists – A faction within the Euthanatos that makes use of modern technology.  These Euthanatoi focus on the probability side of Entropy rather than decay & favor subtle uses of magic.  Their results are evoking interest & concern from the other Traditions.  The Lhaksmists’ ability to use medical tools to more safely create a near death experience have gained them much popularity in the Euthanatos now that visiting the Low Umbra is impossible.  The extreme confidence of this group may soon get them into trouble.

The Disciples of the One Point – Pantheist astronomers of the Celestial Chorus who have gathered at Mt. Wilson Observatory near Los Angeles.  Using Correspondence & Time through powerful telescopes they want to contact the universal god which they believe is easier to communicate with at the beginning & end of the universe.  They plan to build a permanent location on the dark side of the Moon & try to increase public support for space exploration.  A small group lacking influence who may soon upset the Void Engineers.

The Order of St. Albertus – Members of this group are Hermetics & Choristers who found common cause & evidence of past cooperation.  Started 2 years ago in Mexico City, it is expanding.  Inspired by the knightly orders of the past, they take up arms to aid Sleepers in need.

Factions – Chapter 3

Pallottino family of the Euthanatos.  A wealthy family in Europe descended from ancient Etruscans of the Italian Peninsula.  They contribute members to other Euthanatos factions.

Chthonioi – (earth gods)  A sect within the Verbena who keep alive the ways of the ancient Greek spirits & gods.  Among them is the Circle of Hecate, an all female group from ancient Sparta who pursue wealth & influence among Sleepers.

Righteous Ghazi of the Celestial Chorus. A muslim group that used to be warriors but not so much anymore.

The Sheikha of the Dreamspeakers.  Mostly female group of shamans among the Bedouins of the Saudi Arabian Peninsula.

Mokteshaf al Nour (Collectors of Light).  An Islamic group of mages that originally had 5 sects within it.  They were one of the founding members of the Web of Faith.  They later became more secular & split.  Most joined the Technocracy while some held on to their faith.  Rumors disagree about where this smaller group is today.

The Palatines.  A diverse bunch of warriors, priests & mystics that formed in Middle Ages.  They wandered Western Europe battling vampires, monsters & other evil beings.  They still exist today as a secret order.  Many members are Celestial Choristers but other Traditions are also members.  They recognize each other by displaying a symbol of a hammer on their person.

Spae-crafters – Norse mage group in the Verbena.

Yggrasil’s Keepers – This other norse mage group is the spiritual heir to the Norns in the Euthanatos.  They work to push others towards their destinies.

We learn the Hagalaz of the Cult of Ecstasy is divided into traditional Norse mages & trouble-making thugs.

Vishnudharadhara – Vishnu’s sword.  Hindu priests & warriors formed during the Gupta Empire around the 4th century.  Currently a part of the Celestial Chorus.

The Asthika – A coalition of Vishnudharadhara, Indian Ecstatics, Chakravanti of the Euthanatos &, today, Virtual Adepts & Sons of Ether of India.  Originally created to stand against the spread of the Web of Faith & its Islamic supporters, it later stood against European & Technocratic influence.  It is connected with Indian nationalism.

Studiosi – the Zealous Ones. A small group of Cathar gnostics in the Cult of Ecstasy.

Marcheurs – Walkers are a small group of Cathar gnostics who joined the Li Hai sect of the Akashic Brotherhood.  They live in southern France.

Sons of Inta – A group within the Celestial Chorus that descends from the Incan priesthood.  They mostly operate out of Peru.

Los sangrados descend from Mayan priests & are a part of the Cult of Ecstasy.  They use bloodletting & ecstatic dances in their magic.

The Yum Cimil serve the Mayan god of death & allied with the Euthanatos at the Grand Convocation.  After that contact was lost but there are rumors they still prowl the night in Central America.

Ta Kiti began as an offshoot of Madzimbabwe of the Euthanatos.  They serve the Voudoun Loa of death & fertility.

Confrerie de Chango are a militant Voudoun group in the Cult of Ecstasy known for their Forces effects.

The Roda do Jogo are Brazilian martial artists in the Cult of Ecstasy.

Society of St. Anthony are members of the Santeria religion & belong to the Celestial Chorus.  They primary operate in the Caribbean region.

The Cyber Houngans are Virtual Adepts active in the Digital Web who serve the Electric Loas.

Order of the Black Willow is a Romantic group in the Euthanatos that has been declared barrabi.

The Sons of Menelik are an Ethiopian Orthodox group within the Celestial Chorus.  They trace their origins back to Biblical times & are rumored to possess the Arc of the Covenant.

The Golden Shield is a militant Zulu sect known for martial magic & their powerful iKlwa spears.

Izinyanga are Zulu mages of the Verbena that use animal- & plant-based medicines to work their magic.

First solid information on the Ngoma.  Beginning in the city of Great Zimbabwe, they later appeared in the Swahili city states & the Mali Empire.  In past days they were wizard-priests & royal advisors.  They practice high ritual magic.  Today, they recruit from the most educated groups of African people.  They have become House Ngoma inside House ex Miscellanea in the Order of Hermes.

The Bogatyri is an alliance of mages in Russia that formed around 1991 to stand against the influence of an evil being claiming to be Baba Yaga.  In this alliance are the Vedun, a group of traditional folk magic practitioners of the Verbena who have lived among the Eastern Slavs for centuries.  The kozbar are Ukrainian Verbena traveling minstrels.  The Starovery (Old Believers) is the largest group of Choristers in Russia & provide leadership for the Tradition in that nation.  Formed in the 17th century, they survived much persecution.  The Order of the Firebird are martial Choristers with roots in druzhina knights of Kievian Rus.  The Kenotics are Choristers that are more of a collection of like minded mystics.  Vegetarians & pacifists whose faith protects them from harm.  The Ecstatics are Russian Orthodox monks in the west & shamans of Siberian tribes in the east.  Those are the mages of the Bogatyri.

The Children’s Crusade is a growing group of Tradition mages dedicated to stopping child abuse around the world.  The Cult of Ecstasy make up the majority of the group.

Project Stormwarden employs Council mages to deal with the Avatar Storm.  Some work on reestablishing communications, some study the storm & others help victims.

Cross-Tradition Factions – Chapter 5

Cross-Tradition Factions are groups with members from more than one Tradition that mix their beliefs or styles to focus on a goal.

Clan Impossible – A group of acquaintances who enjoyed the club scene & game their mentors a hard time became a dedicated group after the Avatar Storm separated them from their mentors & a Technocracy attack killed some of their friends.  They began cross-training, recruiting & making strikes at the Technocracy.  Cabals are 4 full members with all additional members being students.

Neo-Tradition Reformation Front – A group that believes the Council of 9’s main failure is their inflexible definition.  They openly support cross-Tradition training.  Member choose 2 Tradition names, put them together & state that as their group.  Their long term goals are to completely break down the 9 Tradition structure in favor of something more open & flexible.  They currently obey all Council rules but in the future, who knows?

Geographic Liberation Movement – A group that has no open member but is distributing flyers that claim mages should group according to regions on the map instead of the current Traditions.  They make bold claims that this will strengthen the Council but have not been able to provide much proof.

Charleston Private Academy – After the Avatar Storm a master of the Traditions was separated from his 5 students.  Other Tradition mages resumed the students’ education & expanded to 13.  The school recruits Hollow Ones, Disparates & newly Awakened students.  Disciples of the Traditions can also study there if they agree to help the school.  Rather than training the students for specific Traditions the lessons are tailored to the students’ individual talents.  New paradigms are even allowed to develop.  Yes, this is a not-so-subtle reference to Charles Xavier & Magneto in Marvel Comics’ X-Men comic books.

Matthias Brotherhood – A group of mages formed a compound where modern conveniences are absent.  They train students as well as each other in magic that turns away from modern technology.

Slayer Proposal – Several young mages from House Tytalus in the Order of Hermes started this group to direct warrior mages against vampires & other monsters that threaten humanity.  Members sometimes disagree about which monsters are the greatest threats which can lead to alliances with non-mages that can upset other Slayers.

Iar’I Magica – A group of technology-savvy mages who talk on a server on the mundane Internet.  A small group with members from many Traditions as well as Disparates & Hollow Ones.  So far Technocracy intrusion has not been a problem.  Over time this group developed a number of strong friendships.  They use normal, Sleeper technology as they believe anything more advanced would bring trouble.

Voudoun – Followers of Voudoun & similar faiths who wish to be recognized as a new Tradition.

United Traditions Organization – Supporters of the cross-Tradition ambassador program mentioned in Horizon: Stronghold of Hope have created this group to dedicated to inter-Tradition diplomacy & cooperation.  This group works so hard to retain peace between Traditions that some wonder if they may someday use force.

Sim Ascension – A young Virtual Adept created a software simulation of a single willworker’s decisions on the path to enlightenment.  Other Virtual Adepts along with members from 3 other Traditions joined the project which has become quite sophisticated.  It is rumored 20 years of decisions can be modeled in a matter of hours.  Will this project prove to be a turning point for the Traditions or an elaborate trap by their enemies?