Strange Peoples in Mage: Space Squids, Umbra Squids, and Mantis People

Strange peoples lurk at the edges of the World of Darkness. How do we add them to our games? Pook and Terry talk the Sekrana, Chulorviah, The Watchers in the Deep, the Wyck, and other early humans.

Show Notes

  • Last Days of New Paris – A novel that imagines a surreal Paris overrun with manifestations of surrealist art
  • The City & The City – A detective story set in two cities that occupy the same space but are perceived separately by their residents
  • Perdido Street Station – A fantasy novel set in the sprawling city of New Crobuzon, filled with bizarre creatures and arcane technologies
  • Psionics Handbook – A resource book for the Dungeons & Dragons game, detailing psionic powers and characters
  • Teratology – An exploration of monsters and mythical beings from Invisible Sun
  • Book of Gehenna – A dark fantasy book exploring the mythologies of the end of the world
  • Nim Chimpsky – A chimpanzee raised as a human child to test language acquisition
  • 2001: A Space Odyssey – A classic science fiction novel that explores themes of evolution, technology, and consciousness
  • Sphere of Gun – A book that probably shouldn't exist

Executive Producers

Alexia • Aleksandra J • Alexander G • Alexander P • Ambiversion • Andrew E • Anders S • Andrew • Andrew E • Andrija J • Anon Ibid • Bdurfy • Benjamin B • Berto • Blaise H • Blake R • Bo • BoogersBoogersBoogersBoogersBoogersBoogers • Brad M • Brandon • Bryce Perry • Bubba, The Pale One • Buck Farmer • Chris B • Chris Z • Christopher P • Cinshadis • Connor G • Dan Svensson • Daniel C • Daniel S • Darren H • David M • David R • DrawnCap • Dennis O • Derek S • Eli l • Entropy_Prime • Eric S • Fragarach • Freddy • FriedrichOwl • Gabriel P • Garga L • George L • Gray -Trilug- H • Guy Conan S • GuyWithPuns • Henry Craft • HugoTheBogPerson • I Jaye S • Ian • Illara S • Ira Grace • Isabel CL • J Gatsby • Jason B • Jason D • Jason K • Jason V • Jason Vines • Jeffois • Jenna F • Jervis Johnson • jj225000 • John • John Hillerup • jj225000 • John Magnuson • John W • Jolyne A • Joshua Hillerup • Justin • Karl H • Kathleen H • Kevin F • Khris K • Larrendias D • Leroy B • Leslie W • Lexiconjurer • Lolzandstuff • Manel C • Maurice H • Matthew P • Melissa K • Michael C • Michael Parker • Mikael S • Morgan A • Nathan W • Nebero • Neil P • Nikita K • Oliver S • Patrick M • Patrick Mc • Paxcow • Pooka G • Rachel G • Ralf S • Regina O • Ren M • Ricardo • Richard “Bat” Brewster • Rob D • Rob H • Ruben J • Ryan H • Ryan K • Ryan S • Samuel T • sbloyd • Schnabeltierkrieger • Sean G • Sev Nessus • Simon S • SorcererSanguine • Sean Ryan K • St U • starfish • Stefan C • Steve Winyard • thatsrealneeto • Tyler B • Vince H • Vincent • Walter • Warmstarter • William M • Wolf L • ZakRulz

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