
Hadouken! RPG Tag Team: Street Fighter RPG-Mage with Kris Newton

You’ve introduced vampires, werewolves, demons, ghosts, and even changelings into your chronicle, now what? How about a fellow who learned to electrocute people by watching electric eels? If that’s too subtle a psychic madman who got their powers from an ancient meteorite? If those sound good, listen to Kris Newton of the MegaDumbCast go through ways to jam the lore, mechanics, and mood of Street Fighter into your Mage chronicle.

Tomes of Magick: Technocracy: N.W.O.

Some factions consider the Ascension War a metaphor for the fight for reality. Others consider the War to be internal. Some factions consider it a full on total war and the New World Order is one of them. Propaganda, manipulation, strategic violence, and sometimes a chaingun are all appropriate focuses in the procedures required to bring about Safety and Security for the Masses. When your enemies are this bad, what methods could possibly go too far? Adam and Terry walk through the Convention book that gave us the Spectre limousine, mindscaping, and Room 101, how their tools work, and how to use them in your chronicle.

Tomes of Magick: Sons of Ether

The Sons of Ether are seen as crazy technomancers but the true history of these explorers go back far farther. Adam and Terry explore their history and ideas from Greek philosophers to the last modern remnants of Victorian explorers and pulp actions heroes. Along the way, find out how the nature of scientific discovery has changed across editions and, as always, Adam’s story ideas.

Tomes of Magick: Technocracy: Iteration X

Adam and Terry discuss the sometimes over-the-top mechanical horror of first edition Technocracy: Iteration X. The Clockwork Convention gave us the unfeeling malevolent robots in the form of HIT Marks but what else can they bring to the table? To what extent was Iteration X just a response to the killer robot phase of the early 90s? How did the first convention to explicitly say it has non-Western origins get its start?

Tomes of Magick: Digital Web

Hosts Adam and Terry discuss Digital Web for Tomes of Magick; a call for help with example play sessions; the book Gödel, Escher, Bach; a place where all mages can experience digital magick; Mount Qaf and ancient conspiracies; Spy’s Demise, the ultimate neutral ground for trading information; tips for passing rumors to players; updating details to 2018; “Information wants to be free;” how technical should you get; story ideas in the Digital Web.

Tomes of Magick: Technocracy Progenitors

On today’s show Adam discusses Anders Mage Page 2.0; introduces our new co-host, Terry Robinson; ways to handle Paradox; creatures for your chronicles; high technology or magic in disguise; drugs for your chronicle; the state of genetic science then and now; conspiracies in the World of Darkness and how much is too much; using Wikipedia to boost your Technocrats; adventure ideas involving Progenitors.