
Tomes of Magick: Euthanatos

The Euthanatoi have been with the Council of Nine Mystic Traditions since its founding but are they misunderstood tenders of the wheel or death dealers with alien morality? Claimed by some to be half-Nephandi and others to be the Fallen’s greatest enemy, Adam and Terry discuss the tension within the Euthanatoi and between it and the rest of the Council.

Tomes of Magick: The Book of Chantries

On today’s show we announce the winner of “The Enlightened Grimoire” and Adam Simpson discusses “The Book of Chantries”; what chantries, nodes, labyrinths and Horizon Realms are; the Nephandi; the Umbra and the Umbrood; quintessence; why Mages create Horizon Realms; the barabbi; the Ascension War; Doissetep; the Avatar Storm; Technocracy Constructs; Adam’s DIY ethic; plot hooks; Dreamspeakers; the weaknesses of “The Book of Chantries;” the seasons of chantries; the Order of Hermes; the EuthanatosHouse of Helekar; Lodge of the Gray Squirrel; Mecha; the Hollow Ones orphan chantry; Harry Potter; “Initiates of the Art;” chantries as echo chambers; marriage and children between Mages; utilities and supplies; getting to know acolytes; using portals; chantries for Virtual Adepts and the Sons of Ether; couriers; Umbral Courts.

Join us next week! Joseph Aleo interviews Bill Maxwell about the revised “Tradition Book: Virtual Adepts.”