Among the Traditions, the Verbena most understand the cycles of power of sacrifices required to keep them going. The Verbena also may know best the sting of the Inquisition and what was lost at the end of the Mythic Ages but the wheel turns and what was old is new again.  Listen in as Adam and Terry talk about where the Verbena got their start, their understanding of the founding cosmology of the World of Darkness, and how little they’ve changed over time.

Show Notes

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2 comments on Tomes of Magick: Verbena

  1. Joshua Heath says:

    Just a note, Asatru is pronounced Oww-sah-true (with a modern Icelandic pronunciation) or Ace-ah-true.

    1. Joseph says:

      Thanks for the correction. But how do you pronounce “Tzimisce?”

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