On today’s show Charles Siegel joins us to talk about the Enlightened Grimoire, a book that contains every single rote ever published and updated for Mage: The Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition rules. We discuss the Soft Apocalypse RPG I’m working on based on Will McIntosh’s book and the game mechanics I’m considering to run it (Strain, Fate Core, Savage Worlds, GURPS, Simple World, etc); the 1,500 rotes that appear in 200 pages of the Enlightened Grimoire; why he wrote the Grimoire; the How Do You DO That? book; who he consulted to write the Grimoire; the biggest challenge he faced writing the Grimoire; the most popular rotes and his favorite rotes; why he prefers to play Spirit Mages; how he got into role playing games and Mage; how his Chronicles have changed over the decades; the types of Chronicles he likes to explore; future projects he’s working on for the Storytellers Vault; advice for writing material for the Storytellers Vault; tools he used to wrote the Grimoire; Paradox: The Brainstorming.

If you’d like a free copy of the Enlightened Grimoire email us or contact us on Twitter and we’ll randomly choose a winner on next week’s show.

Join us next week! Adam Simpson continues his Tomes of Magick segment and will be discuss the Book of Chantries.

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