M20 Sorcerers, The Hermetic Hipster, Etherite Fiction and a Mage MUSH

Four guests! Charles Siegel talks about adding sorcerers to M20, the Hermetic Hipster talks new Tradition Backgrounds, TL Webb talks mages in Texas, and Thrice Great introduces a persistent text Mage game you can go join.

Show Notes

Executive Producers

Alexia • Aleksandra J • Alexander G • Alexander P • Ambiversion • Andrew E • Anders S • Andrew • Andrew E • Andrija J • Anon Ibid • Bdurfy • Benjamin B • Berto • Blaise H • Blake R • Bo • BoogersBoogersBoogersBoogersBoogersBoogers • Brad M • Brandon • Bryce Perry • Bubba, The Pale One • Buck Farmer • Chris B • Chris Z • Christopher P • Cinshadis • Connor G • Curtis H • Dan Svensson • Daniel C • Daniel S • Darren H • David M • David R • DrawnCap • Dennis O • Derek S • Eli l • Entropy_Prime • Eric S • Fragarach • Freddy • FriedrichOwl • Gabriel P • Garga L • George L • Gray -Trilug- H • Guy Conan S • GuyWithPuns • Henry Craft • HugoTheBogPerson • I Jaye S • Ian • Illara S • Ira Grace • Isabel CL • J Gatsby • Jason B • Jason D • Jason K • Jason V • Jason Vines • Jeffois • Jenna F • Jervis Johnson • jj225000 • John • John Hillerup • jj225000 • John Magnuson • John W • Jolyne A • Joshua Hillerup • Justin • Karl H • Kathleen H • Kevin F • Khris K • Larrendias D • Leroy B • Leslie W • Lexiconjurer • Lolzandstuff • Manel C • Maurice H • Matthew P • Melissa K • Michael C • Michael Parker • Mikael S • Morgan A • Nathan W • Nebero • Neil P • Nikita K • Oliver S • Patrick M • Patrick Mc • Paxcow • Pooka G • Rachel G • Ralf S • Regina O • Ren M • Ricardo • Richard “Bat” Brewster • Rob D • Rob H • Ruben J • Ryan H • Ryan K • Ryan S • Samuel T • sbloyd • Schnabeltierkrieger • Sean G • Sev Nessus • Simon S • SorcererSanguine • Sean Ryan K • St U • starfish • Stefan C • Steve Winyard • thatsrealneeto • Tyler • Tyler B • Vince H • Vincent • Walter • Warmstarter • William M • Wolf L • ZakRulz

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One comment on “M20 Sorcerers, The Hermetic Hipster, Etherite Fiction and a Mage MUSH

  1. Thrice Worst says:

    Unfortunately, the topic of the first segment is great, but the content is garbage. The guest mangles both what a MUSH is and what they do on their MUSH. The picture presented is a far cry from what players actually get to experience. False advertising just short of straight up lying. He also neglects to tell the audience that they have to give up all their own thoughts and ideas at the door because their opinion barely matters at all in the Mage portion of the game. The only opinion that matters about Mage and what Mage is and what Mage could be is his and he never lets you forget it by forcing your character into his own vision at every opportunity instead of letting you play out your own. And if he disagrees with you and you force the issue suddenly things go horribly wrong and everything is much tougher. I think this is his way of “showing” you that he was right all along, but is really just pettiness from a guy wrapped up in his own ego. Great idea to showcase MUSHes in general, but you got the worst representative to do it in this instance. 1/10. Would not recommend.

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