
Tomes of Magick: Halls of the Arcanum

Ascension’s Right Hand was all shotguns and robots in dive bars, but maybe some brandy in a high-leather chair while discussion psychic phenomena or an ether frolic after some reading about vampyres*? If this sounds more your speed, get ready for the intrigue, investigation and interior design in Halls of the Arcanum. Adam and Terry guide you through the operations of the Arcanum, a secretive mortal research organization from the London Foundation House to the lodges dedicated to finding Damcar, secret city of Arabia. Just don’t get caught in the war between the White Priests and the Red Priests….that is if there is a war.

Upcoming Projects and GenCon 2019 Part 2: Politics in Mage, Writing and Editing, and Growing the Mage Community

The second and final Gen Con 2019 interview show, but first some updates on Mage: The Podcast projects!

Gencon 2019 Part 1: Mage One Shots, Scion, Storyteller Vault, Hunter, Vampire and Geist

This is the first of two episodes collecting interviews done at Gen Con 2019! Josh Heath, the newest member of the MtP team, talks about running Scion, Æon , and Mage (Gods and Monsters) one-shots and advice for your first game convention. After are four short interviews Terry did at Gen Con with Nathan Siever of the 25 Years of Vampire: The Masquerade – A Retrospective podcast about their community chronicle, Matt McElroy of, Buckle from the Hunter: The Vigil Uncanny Valley liveplay show and Geist writer Mike Tomasek.

Worlds of Darkness: Mage/Demon the Fallen Crossovers

Many world cultures refer to servants of greater powers who guide humanity and other servants of darker powers who tempt us. What if the latter started out as the former? Demon: The Fallen builds a world where a war occurred in heaven where those who fought for the right to reveal themselves to humans were banished from creation…until now. Demon as a system plays very well with Mage and Terry Robinson and Charles Siegel will guide you though adding those who saw paradise lost to your chronicle.

Compelling Storytelling with Robert Batton of 25 Years of Vampire: The Masquerade – A Retrospective

Robert Batton, co-host of the 25 Years of Vampire: The Masquerade – A Retrospective podcast, has been running Vampire Chronicles from the intimate tabletop environment to the grand LARP for nearly 25 years. Recently, he’s added Mage: The Ascension to his offerings. Hear this veteran podcaster and Storyteller’s advice for your Mage Chronicle, reminders of what makes the game unique, and find out what really makes Mage the sexiest game involving wizards.

The Mage Cookbook and the Ahl-i-Batini with Rachelle Udell

Rachelle Udell has been the author on such diverse Mage titles as The Bitter Road, Revelations of the Dark Mother, and to the Disparate Alliance section of the Mage: The Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition core rulebook. On today’s show, Rachelle and Terry talk about how Rachelle got into writing for Mage, where she sees the Ahl-i-Batini in the 21st century and, of course, why buying Neiman Marcus collard greens is a cry for help.

Tomes of Magick: Chaos Factor

Adam Simpson and Terry Robinson discuss Chaos Factor.

Razors and Thunderbolts: The Ksirafai

On today’s show Travis Legge joins us to talk about his release for the Storytellers Vault, Razors and Thunderbolts: The Ksirafai. We discuss my locksmith who plays Dungeons and Dragons; how Travis got into role playing games; Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles & Other Strangeness; the Satanic panic; how he became a game publisher; the shows and games he releases on YouTube and Twitch; the tools he uses to manage his career; what are the Ksirafai; the appeal of Mage: The Sorcerers Crusade; Serenity; some of the characters featured in Razors and Thunderbolts: The Ksirafai; the Scroll of Firearms book he wrote for Exalted, Bloody but Unbowed and Clanbook: Nahema for Vampire: The Masquerade; advice for writing for the Storytellers Vault.

Plot Hooks

Our guest on today’s show is Chris Zac, host of the excellent Twin Cities by Night and we talk about plot hooks you can use in your Mage Chronicles. We discuss the White Wolf RPGs Game Play and Media Facebook Group he moderates; Matthew Dawkins, The Gentleman Gamer; how he got into playing role playing games; Brazilian jiu-jitsu; Vampire: The Masquerade and Vampire: The Requiem; The Brian Diaries and The Brian Bookclub; internal monologues; characters embracing the consequences of their actions; using horror judiciously; Twin Cities by Night, Ultimate Evil and Juarez on Fire Chronicle; character creation; what to do when your Chronicle goes off the rails; what makes a good plot hook; their Victorian Age: Vampire Chronicle; magic as a horror device; H.P. Lovecraft’s short story “The Rats in the Walls;” Mage plot hooks; Mage 20; Last Podcast on the Left; Jim Jones; Rasputin; the influences of Stephen King, Clive Barker and Aleister Crowley; the sources he uses to develop his plot hooks; The Ultimate Evil: An Investigation into America’s Most Dangerous Satanic Cult and Aleister Crowley: Magick, Rock and Roll, and the Wickedest Man in the World; drink cold brew!