Top 5 Books to Run A Mage: The Ascension Chronicle

On today’s On today’s Mage: The Podcast hosts Mark Hope and Adam Simpson break down their top five books for running a Mage: The Ascension chronicle… with possible bonus books thrown in for good measure! Expect titles with Book of… and Guide to… in the title, and more!

Show Notes

Mark Hope’s Top Five:

  1. Beyond the Barriers: The Book of Worlds
  2. The Book of Madness
  3. Guide to the Traditions
  4. Guide to the Technocracy
  5. How Do You DO That
  6. Bonus Book: Mage Translation Guide

Adam Simpson’s Top Five:

  1. Beyond the Barriers: The Book of Worlds
  2. The Book of Madness
  3. Technomancer’s Toybox
  4. Book of Mirrors: Mage Storytellers Handbook
  5. The Bygone Bestiary
  6. Bonus Book: Book of Crafts: Whispers of Dissent

Join us again next Sunday for the first installment of our segment, Mage Chronicles. Panos V Skordas will talk about his Mage chronicle, Ahriman Chronicles: The Vile nature of an Ascension War.

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